An individual’s health and well-being rely heavily on oral hygiene. Maintaining proper oral and dental hygiene can avoid bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease and maintain healthy teeth throughout one’s lifetime. According to studies, untreated oral disorders have been linked to an increased risk of various health problems. The buildup of bacteria on the surfaces of teeth is the primary cause of most dental disorders. Tooth decay and gum disease can develop because plaque builds up on the teeth’s outer layer (enamel). The gums become inflamed and infected, leading to tooth decay and gum disease if the teeth are not adequately cleaned. Dental plaque can be efficiently reduced and dental illnesses prevented by thoroughly cleaning teeth.
Tooth brushing is a highly effective daily dental care method to remove plaque when performed correctly. Nonetheless, without dental care products or a professional check, users may not know whether they have effectively removed plaque from their teeth after brushing. Multiple zones within the mouth must be considered when describing brushing, making it impossible to describe small-scale motions adequately. Smart toothbrushes currently on the market have poor posture recognition accuracy and stability, making it challenging to give the user accurate information about brushing correctness and thoroughness.
Meditradent solution is an innovative electric toothbrush with an image sensor to detect plaque and a very accurate brushing position recognition system. Our invention displays the user’s brushing posture in real-time and a red alert indicating that the user has put too much pressure on their gums. Using Meditradent, a user can monitor brushing posture using artificial intelligence, get brushing recommendations, detect plaque presence, and position accurately. Continuous feedback on removing plaque, monitoring brushing time and pressure, adjusting the brush pressure, and connecting to the smartphone via Bluetooth are other features of our product.
You can get rid of decayed teeth forever with accurate and real-time toothbrush condition detection and continuous feedback on plaque removal.